
What We Do

Information Professionals

Information professionals represent one of the fastest growing segments of the economy. In such a rapidly expanding field, often the focus is outward: How to meet the demand for workers? Where are the best jobs? What background offers the most career potential? There isn’t time to focus on people inside the industry – their training need, their image in the workplace, their opportunities for growth.

DPI has been serving those needs through lectures, seminars and learning events. But more is needed. The DPI approach is to focus more squarely on supporting the public sector information professionals to gain recognition of their skills and the business contribution that they make. It starts with the image: information professionals are no longer in just one corner of the Public Service in Data Processing but are threaded throughout government, working in all aspects of information management and information technology.

The expanded objective of DPI is to support you, the Information Professional.

Shape Your Future

The Association of Public Sector Information Professionals continues to serve your needs as an Information Professional by:

  • Offering a networking forum in your field with others in the public sector;
  • Helping to keep you aware of IM/IT issues, trends and initiatives;
  • Providing you with opportunities for professional development;
  • Facilitating information exchange on professional issues;
  • Providing you with a forum for sharing best practices and IM/IT solutions between individuals and organizations.


A network of dedicated volunteers supports DPI’s activities, which include:

  • seminars through the year
  • an annual professional development week
  • social events  (gala, etc.)
  • partnership with other organizations
  • networking opportunities
  • promotion of DPI
  • participation in other events


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