
Become a Volunteer

Volunteers play a critical role in our Association. DPI volunteers serve in many capacities by contributing time, energies and skills that help to fulfill the Associations’ mission. A positive image of DPI is created within the community from the enthusiasm and interest of our volunteers, encouraging others to become involved. Our volunteers fulfill many roles from providing logistical support, to providing leadership and guidance or in developing the PDW program resulting in a meaningful, positive impact on our community.

Why Volunteer?

People volunteer for a variety of reasons. Some choose to become involved to provide a service, solve a problem; others look for personal development. There are many benefits to volunteering which may include:

    • Gaining new experiences – escape the everyday routine and explore new opportunities
    • Sharing your skills, talents and time – satisfaction of providing a service and expertise
    • Contributing to the community – help solve issues, give back and become more familiar with the professional community and DPI
    • Developing personal pride and satisfaction – through giving your time, energy and skills freely
    • Developing new skills or enhance existing knowledge – ongoing pursuit of new skills, challenges and experiences
    • Expanding your network – meet a diverse range of professionals, meet colleagues and make new friends
    • Forming leadership and social skills – expand your influence and voice
    • Growing personally and professionally – continue to develop your knowledge, boost your career options and acquire new job skills
    • Gaining a sense of achievement and motivation – by contributing to the future success of the Association and professional community

Who can Volunteer?

To Volunteer with DPI, you must be a DPI affiliate. To learn more click here.

What’s Involved?

  • Time Commitment: Active participation in one Board meeting per month (2 hrs); and involvement as a Director or Coordinator of one of DPI’s Portfolio (e.g. Program, Sponsorship, Technology, Logistics, etc.), which can require on average 4-6 hours per month and includes considerable email volume. Participation in breakfast seminars, Advisory Council meetings (Directors only) and PDW Week.
  • Departmental Support: Board members are encouraged to obtain senior level support to allow for the desired commitments. Volunteer work with DPI is an excellent addition to learning and development plans.
  • Term: Board Members are expected to participate for a 2-year term.

DPI’s Portfolios:

Administration Portfolio – Responsible for the provision of administration support to the Association of Public Sector Information Professionals (DPI) and for coordinating the registration of delegates for the seminar series and for the Annual PDW Learning Event.

Affiliate Services – Responsible for coordinating and communicating all activities with Departmental Representatives on behalf of the association, as well as overseeing the Bring Your CIO to Breakfast (BYCIO2B) event and all Benefit Partnerships.

Communications – Responsible for strategic development and management of DPI’s brand and communications products and for increasing our target audience’s awareness of DPI and DPI events through the use of social media, web content, surveys, speeches and other products.

Finance – Responsible for the provision of financial support including workings with accountants, banks, and auditors to the Association of Public Sector Information Professionals (DPI).

Logistics – Responsible to the Board of Directors for providing Logistical requirements (space and food) and support for the Association related to meetings, seminars, PDW and other events.

Program – Responsible for the delivery of the professional development program throughout the year which includes breakfast seminars and the Annual PDW Learning Event. This includes selecting keynote speakers and managing the selection of seminar/workshop presentations in alignment with theme and budget.

Sponsorship – Responsible for obtaining and managing sponsorship relationships for the Annual PDW Learning Event.

Support Services – Responsible for providing and managing volunteers to support both the breakfast seminars and the Annual PDW Learning Event.

Technology Services – Responsible to the Board of Directors for providing Audio Visual requirements and support, as well as email administration services and support, and all technological equipment for the Association.

Web – Responsible for ensuring the web site and the DPI mobile application meet the needs of DPI Board and Affiliates. Liaise with third party web development vendor to implement required changes, perform quality control of deliverables and usage monitoring.

Appointment Process

If you or someone you know is interested in serving on the Board,  we encourage you to Apply Now.  If you are unable to access the form, please contact


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