

This year, DPI is introducing “GAMIFICATION” to your Professional Development Week (PDW) experience which means you can earn points to win prizes!

How does it work?

Collect “Spot Codes” (usually a short collection of capitalized letters such as DPIREG or SESSION1) when you complete a task and enter the code in the gamification section of the platform to claim points! Different tasks will get you a different number of points, but remember: the more “Spot Codes” you collect, the more points you earn.

Some Spot Codes may be issued to you automatically, for example, if you ask a question in a session or use the virtual photo booth.

Challenge your colleagues to see who can collect the most points.

Ways to Earn Points
Leading up to the event:

  • 50 points – Registering early to PDW
  • 500 points – Become a DPI Affiliate OR update your DPI Affiliate Profile on DPI Web Site
  • 150 points – Follow us on LinkedIn
  • 25 points – Find codes in emails and on social media posts
  • And more…

During the event:

  • 250 points per session – Attend a keynote
  • 150 points per session – Attend a seminar
  • 500 points – Complete PDW exit survey
  • 50 points – Use the virtual photo booth
  • 50 points – Post in event feed
  • 50 points – Ask a question in a session
  • And more…

Trivia Questions (25 points per question) – Answers to questions can be found on DPI’s website. The game code is the numerical answer to the question, i.e. 1929

  • This is DPI’s ___ Anniversary?
  • How many seminar sessions are being held over the three days?
  • What are the last four digits of DPI’s phone number?


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